WMC - Best TV Show Not On TV - Episode 6

Nov 15, 2008 21:54

This week, I asked myself the following hypothetical.  What if I had a fairy Godmother willing to grant me a wish?  I could either have WMC back on TV, or continue to enjoy the Virtual Season.  The Women’s Murder Club would return on American broadcasting, but I wouldn’t get to see how the virtual season plays out.  I know what you’re thinking. If you’re going to imagine a benevolent being, why not imagine one that would let me have the ultimate; which would be each member of the VS crew involved in bringing their vision of WMC to the small screen. But you see, being somewhat of a masochist, even my fantasy world would be imperfect. So my personal Glenda, with her magical offering, would force me to play Sophie.  As much as would love to have Redhead and Angie back on television together again, my choice would have to be the VS.  I believe the characters are best served staying exactly where they are, in Virtual Season land.  Therefore, perhaps to the chagrin of WMC fans who have yet to embrace the VS, I would thank my fairy Godmother, but would wish for everything to remain as it is.

Because as it is right now, each WMC VS episode constantly brings readers, the best drama, best comedy and best romance anywhere this season.  This week’s entry, Apostate Blues courtesy of liz_estrada, is certainly no exception.  She introduces a very interesting case as San Francisco hosts a gargantuan foreign spree-killer.  She creates nail-biting scenes as a club member comes face to face with her stalker.  She keeps the underlying religious theme ever present, in the most creative ways.

And grabbing the baton adeptly handed to her by Riley two weeks ago, she skillfully makes it to the finish line.  In one memorable scene after another, Liz moves two characters along their destined path, culminating in one decisive tableau where she beautifully brings the couple together.  Their union is neither tentative nor is it rushed. It feels like a natural progression.  This is how one envisions a perfect merging of soul mates.  Though both characters acknowledge the reality of the obstacle course ahead, they reassure each other in earnest.  And therein lies the foreshadowing.

For weeks now, the club has dealt with the hovering menace of a serial killer and as we are about to hit the season’s halfway mark, one cannot help wondering when the proverbial second shoe will drop.  As hinted by members of the VS crew, it would seem that as soon as next episode, dark clouds will be rolling in.  While this amazing installment ends on a gloriously high note, I am fastening my seatbelt and bracing myself for the bumpy ride to come. Which incidentally, I know I’m going to enjoy.


Every Lindsay/Cindy scene is awesomeness. It’s not fair to pick just one but I will anyway.  :)

1-   When Lindsay admits to Cindy that she thinks about her all the damn time. Total “Hell-yeah!!”  moment

2- Jill has some pretty darn good lines.  That  “Christ on a crutch. Does the fun ever stop?”  Classic.    About the TiVo   -Jill was not surprised and did not care: “Bummer.”  Lol

3- Which brings me to another favourite moment? Alternating between interrogations, brilliant way to keep the action moving.

4-  Claire  being 70/30 sure she knows the name quite well. Heh!  I can’t wait till the rest of the Club “knows” officially

5-  Lindsay teasing Jacobi about his driving and in return Jacobi teasing her about Redhead.

Ah hell!  I’m breaking my rule for the second time and adding a sixth item

6-  When Linz is dumping Muffin Man and says :   “Everything I wanted to feel with you, everything I was trying to make real... I feel all that with her, without even trying. It's just there.”     In keeping with the religious undertone of the season, I just want to say Amen!

2x06, reviews, vs, wmc

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