Feb 14, 2005 17:22
About Your Valentine
Who is going to be your valentine this year? ernie and jason
How old is he/she? ernie=16 jason=19
How long have ya'll been together? ernie=freshman year jason=saturday lol
How many Valentines have ya'll spent together? ernie=2 jason=none lol next weekend foo
Do you see a future between you two? ernie=heck yes jason= maybe
What is the best thing about him/her? ernie=she be tight jason=hes fun to talk to
Are you going to tell them "I love you" on Monday? ernie=duh! jason=wtf
All About The Big Day!
Are you planning on giving him/her something? ernie=i gotta make a trip to the thrift store jason=nah lol
If so: What? hmm....
If not: Why not? lol
How much did it cost? ill find something.
Did you put a lot of thought into it? i will.
Or did your mom or brother pick it out for you? lol nah
What do you expect the reaction will be? chill
Do you expect something in return? she bought me a powerade
Are ya'll going to dinner? jason sed hed take us shopping and buy us hometown buffet
Will it be a surprise? Nope.
If Your Valentine Is A girl
What is her favorite kind of flower? Dang, I don't know.
Will she prefer flowers or candy? ernie= home town buffet jason=beer
Do she make you happy? D
If Your Valentine Is A Boy
Do you know what his favorite video game is? No.
What about his favorite kind of music? everything
Do you consider yourself "one of the guys"? Yes, sometimes.
Does he make you happy? who? jason? hmmmm maybe
Okay I'm done
Did you like this survey? lol
i guess i might go to the movies with mark?? weird huh? lol deing like i dont know. i just talked to some guy and hes being weird kuz of the whole jason thing. . . . ?? me and that guy didnt even have anything nothing ever even happened, geesh! mahn i dont know.