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Почему бедность - это опасно для богатых.Задумайтесь, почти 50 миллионов американцев живут ниже уровня нищеты, а 80% от ВСЕГО населения (описки нет) находятся или ниже этого уровня или в опасной близости к нему. То есть, 240 миллионов из грубо говоря 300 миллионов - бедность и нищета.
There are nearly 50 million Americans who now live below the poverty line. That translates to 49.7 million total. Furthermore, and just as shocking, nearly 80% of the entire U.S. population is now living near poverty or below it. This startling new statistic is means that 80% of the population is struggling with joblessness, or with near-poverty. Many of them are relying on government assistance to help pay the bills or feed their families. Without that assistance, this near-poverty statistic means that they too would be poor.
In spite of claims that things are getting better, the loss of good-paying jobs in the manufacturing sector which used to provide a living wage for what used to be the “Working Class” is the likely cause of the increasing trend towards poverty in America.
Out-of-pocket medical costs as well work-related expenses have now been factored in. The adjusted data is “considered more reliable by social scientists because it factors in living expenses as well as the effects of government aid, such as food stamps and tax credits,” Hope Yen said, reporting for the Associated Press.
Отсюда Пересчет просто учел то, что раньше стыдливо скрывали - расходы на медицину из своего кармана.
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