Exceptional day

Apr 11, 2010 00:04

This morning I went to Public Acta. A very worth while event, I wish I had been at the whole thing. I did see much of the document creation at the end of the day online, and I suspect the document posted tomorrow would be something worth signing my name to. I dislike the ACTA treaty on a number of levels, but one of the big ones is I really dislike the idea of secretly negotiated treaties.

I also liked the parallel running of democracy approach to the Public ACTA action. Basically, if you won't give us involvement, we'll make it up ourselves. And we'll do it as smartly and cogently as possible.

In the afternoon I needed to spend time with the kids, both for general, yay its cool and kids need time, but also because Babs would not have survived if I hadn't.

And then, I got to do some actual paid by the hour contract game design stuff. Basically this guy wants a mass market game (or games) to go with his project.
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