State of the Amanda

Jan 07, 2013 14:38

Well I'm lying here with a heating pad on my back and a sleeping baby next to my leg so I'm not going anywhere for a bit. May as well type a post with my index finger.

I feel pretty good lately. Our two week long road trip to visit almost everyone we know on the west coast seems to have been a success. It was tiring and about three days too long for optimal enjoyment but overall we had a good time seeing everybody. Sadie was a trooper and grew leaps and bounds in the two weeks we were gone. She's an amazing little person! And she is so going to be walking by the end of February... Eek! :) At least we have baby gates now.

My dad is here this week, helping Nick frame in the basement. My hopes for this week are that we get all the framing in, rough in the plumbing for the basement sink and the plumbing for the kitchen sink that will temporarily be in the dining room but which will eventually become a little wet bar sink for a built in cabinet. Then I want to move everything out of the dining room, move the sink and the stove, and pull all the cabinets off the kitchen walls in preparation for a lightning surgical strike on Saturday where all the plaster and lath comes off the kitchen walls and possibly all the linoleum comes up off the floor.

This is prep for Nick's father's visit during which we will take out the wall between the kitchen and dining room and replace it with a beam, remove the kitchen window on the south wall and patch the hole and possibly pull up the oak flooring.

I've been doing prep work as I can. I've moved the liquor cabinet, the plants and the art out of the dining room. I plan to pack up most of the kitchen this week too, leaving only the bare essentials, enough that I can fit it all in the two door freestanding cabinet in the kitchen because it'll be the easiest to move into the dining room.

Apparently I also freaked my back out yesterday and then Sadie slept on my ribs last night and I woke up with a rib out. This gradually got worse all morning and finally by 1pm I could barely move without crying out. Nick lifted me and my rib went back in but my muscles are all still outraged, hence my current location in bed with Sadie napping next to me.

In other news, I've started a series of needle felted monsters that work up reasonably quickly. I'm going to sell them at Paxton Gate in Portland for $80 which gets me $40 and online in my Artfire store for $60. I hope they sell well. It feels good to be making things again. Creating something out of nothing with no particular plan is such an important part of my emotional upkeep.

2013 is off to a pretty good start! We are broke but happy.

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