So I just got back fromt he white stripes concert and I have to say I had a really great time! How two people can put on that much energy and that good of a show is really beyond me. I thought that the lack of bass guitar would bother me but it really didn't they were both very good!
One of the best parts of the concert was the fact I sat exactly 2 rows in front of Liv Tyler and Ed Norton!! Holy shit!
I had looked back and saw a woman that looked sort of like Liv tyler but with big dark rimmed glasses on. A tiny bit later I see one of the stage crew (who are dressed in black suits with red ties and funky hats) holding a piece of paper that said "Edward Norton" and escorting people into this row. But thought nothing of it. I just sort of ignored it and went back to watching the shitty opening act. Then one of the girls I was with leans over and says "Holy shit its the guy from fight club and liv tyler sitting 2 rows back!" I turn and look and sure enough it really is Liv Tyler, this cute readhead (his wife maybe?) and Ed Norton there to see the white stripes concert! He was all scuffy looking and he seemed to know like every word (yes I was spying on him, c'mon he is famous!).
My second brush with fame was on the way back to my seat after going to the bathroom I was walking with my head down when I almost bumped into people. I looked up and said Sorry to Liv Tyler and the cute redhead as they left the concert. I wish there was some witty comment I could have made or something like that but no, I just said sorry and moved to my seat kinda shell shocked. Looking back There was nothing I could have done, they were ina hurry to get out and I just happened to be in their way briefly. oh well it was still awesome! I am not even a fan of hers but she is pretty in real life =)
Unfortunatly they left before the concert ended so I couldn;t get any pics of them without looking totally stalkerish. My phone camera isn;t good enough to take that kind of pic in the dark, and the girl with the camera refused to take their picture. Oh well. I will definatly remember this concert for a long time!
EDIT: They must have been filming the New Hulk movie!!