Jul 14, 2006 20:00
Going through a Lonely Period again. Which is wierd because I have had People at my Condo for the last few weeks. What i really mean is lonely for a Partner not a friend. I guess my problem is I am not very social. Its hard to meet people when you stay at home, but I am not a big drinker or anything of that sort so its hard for me to go places to meet people, plus goign alone is kinda loserish.
Its not like I am looking for a totally impossible person either. I know I am no great beauty myself but I am not super ugly either. I am even more confident then I was before but still.
What am I looking for in a partner? Female, NON CLINGY!!!, Sense of Humor, I can hold convorsation with them, Attractive to my eyes, preferably someone who likes reading and dosen't mind video games. Its not a long list of hard to find attributes. I don't even care about model thin or anything superficial like that, I don't even LIKE girls that are too thin. I mean there are things that are a definate plus and make me more attracted to girls but those come later, they have to admit I exist first.
Now don't get me wrong and think I am totally depressed and such, I am not. Just going through a phase where having someone to sit and watch tv with and hang out and chat and laugh and stuff, the simple things that couples do. There are Other things I like about girls that can add to a relationship >.> And things that are totally hot and awesome in a partner (for me its Corsets, Cheongsams and Cosplay heh) but thats not the part I miss, its the physical closness and such.
Anyone ever try Online dating or such? I was thinking of looking into it but it seems so pointless and superficial. If anyone knows any good sites let me know maybe I will look into it. You never know!
Anyways, back to work for me!