Aug 19, 2014 10:30

Here's another vid I've made for the Solicited Love fest (also known as hooker fest) on LJ.

Uhm yeah, it's Stiles and Derek and since we don't have any naked Sterek scenes (yet) I had to improvise from the moment they met Stiles is smitten with Derek, and he totally wants him! Scott tells him that his chance to get his wish fulfilled is practically zero to non because Derek is a high-class werewolf prostitute.But hey,this is Stiles, persistent-little-shit-Stiles, and what a Stiles want a Stiles will get,right? RIGHT!And in the end he gets it all!! ;-)

You can dl the HD mp4 file HERE

Or you can watch it on YouTube Yep, I uploaded it yesterday and it's actually still there. ;-)

Hope you like it!

And yeah,I'm in REEEEEALLY late with this post and I'm sorry about that.These days it seems that I can't get anything done right on time.And believe me, it's not just fandom-related's EVERYTHING. :-(

PS: I'll have another prostitution vid for you later today.It's a BJSTEREKNAGRON-MASH-UP. :-D

solicited love fest, vid, sterek, vid post

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