TWBB art ~ The King and The Spare

Jun 21, 2014 23:14

This is the art I created for the fic The King and The Spare written by
eeyore9990 for the Teen Wolf Big Bang/Round #2

For the second time I had the great opportunity to work with one of the BEST writers out there and, once again, she tried to kill me with FILTHY Sterek porn her writing skills! This AU fic is AWESOME and PERFECT and so is the author!! <3333

Summary: The young, newly-crowned King of Bohemia is in search of a spouse. Both Derek Hale and his sister Cora had the appallingly bad taste to be born so far down the hierarchy of royalty in their home land of Moravia as to be unnecessary to their own royal lineage but still too high born to be anything other than the consort to the royal house of another country.


The medieval Sterek AU you didn't know you needed.

Now isn't THAT the BEST summary you've EVER read?
And it's true, ya didn't know that you needed it but OMG, this is YOUR chance, babes! Go and indulge yourself with one of the BEST AUs EVER written! Go right the fuck NOW!!!

Fic Master Post on AO3

So...this is the art I came up with and I hope it's matching the perfection of the fic!

Fic banner

Disclaimer: The fic banner, divider and cd cover art are digital manipulations made from several photos (Resources: From all over the Net and some of my own screen caps!)) combined together to create the final art.The photos are NOT mine!(Well,except of the TW screen caps,ofc) I only "borrowed" them.Same goes for the songs of the soundtrack/mix.They still belong to their creators! ;)


Soundtrack/mix cover art

back (song list)

Soundtrack/mix direct dl link: Zip file

Hope you'll like it

art post, teen wolf big bang

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