Happy Halloween everybody!

Oct 31, 2009 21:03

I'm still sick, my throat aches like hell and every time I cough I think that I will spit a lung. All in all I feel like shit.
Since I can't go out with my friends, like every 22 yo should on Halloween night, I will stay at home, in my bed watching the best or the  worst horror movies my hard-disk has to offer: Deep Red, Psycho etc etc

Today I watched "The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, part 2" and it was so sad, with the Doctor standing there all alone, a prelude of what is to come. Then he said "Don't forget me!" I almost shouted "We won't forget you Ten! Never!" (you know, the "I do believe in fairies, I do I do" sort of shouting)  then I remembered that my mother was in the room and that she could have thought that I was delirious and I mumbled quietly, while drying a tear.
Sarah Jane was lovely in this episode. I don't usually like her much, but she was so sad, forced to choose between... well not saying, in case someone who has not seen it stumbles upon this entry!

Digital Spy  has ten teasers about the upcoming Water of Mars here ... I don't know how much of this is true and how much is bullshit, seeing that it's DS we're talking about. However, enjoy yourselves!

linking is good, my doctor is dt, doctor who, other shows, whoverse

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