Title: Diner tease
litlemspowerfulSeason: 3
Rating: LOL
Emmett and Ted are eating breakfast at the Liberty Diner on a lazy, snowy Saturday morning. Brian is sitting in his own booth in front of them concentrating on the Friday’s closing stock market numbers. Justin passes them with two plates full of food to serve to a table in the corner.
E: “You think the kid’s kinda hot?” (Playfully raises an eyebrow.)
T: “Kinda?”
They both laugh. Ted winks at Emmett who winks back in understanding.
T: “Did you see he blew his hair out last week? It was like straight down with highlights. And his lips were like, oh, he put something on his lips, something to make them sheen.”
E: “He can be a cover boy. Tiger Beat!”
Brian rustles his paper and clears his throat loudly.
T: “I wouldn’t even have sex with him. I would actually kiss him, like soft kiss. Like, you know, when you suck on the top lip and you let it pop slowly and your lip still sticks to it a little bit.”
E: “Yeah, soft kiss him.”
T: “And I would say to him something like, “Hey, whatever you wanna do is fine with me.”
They giggle madly as Emmett pounds the table with his open hand.
E: “Treat him like a really good boy.”
T: “I’d treat him like THE boy, like THE ONE. I’d run around and open the car door for him....”
E: “Would you be proud to show him off to your friends?”
T: “Show him to my friends? No, not at all! I don’t want them messin’ with him! I don’t any of those guys comin’ along, takin’ my little sunshine away. “
E: “He is sooooo cute”
T: “Oh, God, he’s sensational. I’d fight Brian for him. I would.”
Emmett lets out a single, loud laugh.
Justin stops at their booth and refills Ted’s water glass.
T: “Look at him. Oh, and the little nose matches the lips.”
Justin smiles at Ted politely.
They giggle as Justin walks away to ring up a waiting customer.
T: “Look as the body moves in motion as one unit.” (Points to his bubble butt.) “THAT’S why, THAT’S it.”
Emmett kicks Ted under the table.
E: “Deb’s gotta ban him to dish duty. He’s too distracting.” (Bites on the tongs of his fork.)
Justin mouths a kiss to Brian from the counter as he closes the cash register.
T: “That kiss was to me by the way. In my world, don’t ruin it.”
E: “Totally. Look at the neck, like a Rockette!”
“All right! All right already!” Brian shouts at them from the booth.
Ted and Emmett laugh uncontrollably over their plates.