I am one of those graphically challenged people so my contribution is just a small one but I had to share how much I loved the show.
QAF first aired here Australia around May/June 2000 from what
sexy_pumpkin's Mum can remember and I trust her memory more than mine.LOL! We were lucky in that it was free to air here, I saw an adv. promoting the show, thought "that looks interesting" and was hooked from the very first episode. And the first glance I got of Gale Harold, well, what can I say, I couldn't believe my eyes, what a stunning man. :) And Randy ain't bad either I thought.
I watched every episode and was so sad when it ended and I am afraid I am one of those who hated how S5 ended, somehow I felt cheated, but I used my imagination and of course Justin came back from NY, Brian and Justin were reunited and were together in their own inimitable style for the rest of their lives. :)
And then I discovered LJ and all that amazing QAF fic, icons, graphics etc. and was in heaven again. So many incredible stories from so many incredibly talented writers. I have met so many wonderful people here and am grateful to each and every one for enriching my life. People from all over the world, people I will most likely never meet in person, but who I feel priveliged to have "met" online,so many wonderful people who shared my love of QAF and the actors who made it such a joy to watch.
And the other thing I would like to do is share a picture from my favourite scene, that "ridiculously romantic" Prom dance.
And last but not least, I look forward to each amd every post, as I know there will be some amazing things posted here from those who adore QAF and everything and everyone associated with it as nuch as I do.