Shades of Grey Chapter 8 Part One

Mar 01, 2009 00:42

Title: Shades of Grey Chapter Eight
Author: qafan
Beta: positive_pat Thanks, Pat, for taking the time and effort to work on this story. It is an enormous undertaking, but I'm so glad you were the one with the guts to do it! You and Dops both know Brian better than anyone on here I've seen, so thank you so much for taking on my story!
I'd also like to thank doppelgangerqaf for all her input and guidance in this story. She encouraged me and kept me excited to write this, and I wouldn't have even had the courage to seek Pat out to have it betaed were it not for her. Thanks Dops!
As for the AMAZING banner, that's all courtesy of the AMAZING foreverbm. Thank you SO much, again, for the banner! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect banner for this story. Thanks again!!
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Time line: season one
Rating: PG-13 for now, but it'll heat up.
Synopsis: This story, for now, is simply going to be the events of Season One from Brian's perspective. It has a lot of flashbacks to Brian's past, and some scenes that fill in the gaps between scenes and episodes. Everything is written through Brian's eyes, and he tells the story. I hope you enjoy it, it's been a LONG time coming, and if it is a success, it'll be coming a lot more as well. Gimme plenty of feedback!

Author's Note:  YES! Chapter Eight is UP! I'm so sorry to those that have been trying to follow this for it taking so long. Life has been insane, and I lost my muse for a while, then I found it, and I didn't have time to use it!! BUT, I'm back, and I'm so excited to start writing again. I hope against hopes that I haven't lost all my faithful readers. COME BACK! lol Please, let me know what you think. This is rather long, so enjoy!

Chapter 8

As I said before, life is a series of seemingly insignificant experiences that culminate to the major events of our lives. That was exactly the case with Mikey's new Doctor. He'd gone on a date with him, and I supported him, as any best friend does, but I didn't think anything of it. I figured they'd go out, they'd screw, and that'd be the end of it. I never figured he'd be the kind that would stick around.

However, when Michael was obsessing over how badly it had gone the next day, I knew something was different. Even his god-awful description of their sex when they finally made up was sickeningly bizarre. But, still yet, I figured they would have some fun, and Michael would end up back at my doorstep. However, that didn't seem to be the case.

In the midst of this unsettling development, Justin had also surprised me. I had heard him mention that he loved to draw, but I didn't realize how good he was at it until one afternoon at the girls' house. He was sitting on the floor in the living room drawing Lindsey with Gus when I walked in. Wherever I went, he managed to show up. As much as I wanted to be annoyed, though, I found myself pleasantly surprised to see him. As I walked past, I noticed the picture of Lindsey he was drawing and was amazed at how good he actually was. I've seen art gallery showcases that weren't as good.

“For someone your age, you have an amazing feel for the human form,” Lindsey said, voicing my thoughts.

“I've noticed that myself,” I said as I threw one of Gus's toys at him.

“Look at this!” she said as she held up a picture that was obviously me, naked and sleeping.

He really was good. Not just because it was me, either. I didn't know much about art, as I've said before. It was little more than decoration as far as I was concerned. I didn't have time to stand around analyzing a picture and try to divine some stupid hidden message out of it. With his stuff, spoke to me. Always has. I didn't just see a picture of myself, I saw all of his emotions in it. I could see him pouring over me with his highly discerning eyes.

“When did you draw that?”

He smiled one of his mischievous smiles and replied, “When you were asleep.”

“Ah,” Mel said, “Circumcised, just like I thought.”

“You know, there's going to be an art show at the GLC”

“What's that?” he asked.

“The Gay and Lesbian Center,” I answered for her, “A safe haven for fags who can't get laid.”

“You know,” Mel retorted, “it might be good to get out and meet some nice, young men for a change.”

Young men? She could be such a wench sometimes.

“It's the annual fund-raiser, and Melanie and I are on the board. Would you like to have your work in the show?”

“You mean people see me stuff?”

“Yea,” she said as she smiled at him.

“That would be intense. But...yea!” he said.

“Good,” I encouraged, “It'll give him something to do so he'll stop stalking me,” I teased as I threw yet another toy in his direction.

“Don't flatter yourself,” he laughed as he threw the toy back at me.

Melanie laughed as she bounced Gus, “Oh, we like Justin. Justin can stay.

“We'll make sure everyone comes,” she said and turned to me, “including you.”

I mouthed a choice word or two in her direction for trying to obligate me to anything. However, I have to admit, it would be a great opportunity for the kid, and it would get him to stop being quite so obsessed with me. However, I wasn't the one to give him the support or inspiration he would need. I knew nothing about art, and would be able to contribute absolutely nothing to an art show. Not to mention, unless I was getting laid, it would most likely prove to be an extremely dull evening.

Lindsey didn't seem to know when to quit, though, because she showed up at the loft the next morning and woke me up much too early for a Saturday insisting I go, citing that she had already made promises that I would be there. When that didn't work, she pulled out the “Time to become part of the community” routine. Screw. That.

“Just because I screw guys, doesn't mean I'm part of some community and it doesn't mean I have anything in common with anyone who is.”

“You know it's more than that. We need to take care of each other.”

Take care of each other? I didn't have anyone “taking care” of me when I was getting the crap beat out of me by my prick of a father, or when he was constantly telling me how worthless I was, and I turned out just fine. Well, sort of.

“I don't need to take care of anyone, and I don't need anyone to take care of me.”

“One day you might,” she stated.

“Screw groups.”

“I thought you did,” she countered with a grin.

“Occasionally, but it's by invitation only.”

After she left, I told myself all the reasons why I shouldn't go to the stupid art show. I didn't know a thing about art. I hated people. They would think I was giving into them. Justin would take it as some sort of sign. Still yet, something kept prodding me to go. Curiosity? Narcissism? There would be a framed drawing of me and all my amenities on the wall. It would be nice to see a picture of me hung. Or...something like that. Also, there was this persistent voice in the back of my mind.

It's his first show.

But what did I care? All I know is, whether I wanted to or not, I found myself, dressed for the club, pulling my jeep up in front of the GLC.

As I walked in, Lindsey made a beeline over to say she was glad to see me. Michael and his new doctor made their way over as well. I didn't think I could handle schmoozing with them at the moment, so I made some snarky remark as I passed and went to find the bar. After picking up a red wine, I leaned against a pole and observed Justin. He looked like he really fit in to this scene: the art scene. He was wearing nice, black jeans, with a gray shirt that fit to his chest perfectly, with a black button down open over it. He hair was, as always, neat, but completely natural. He looked like he probably spent about five minutes in front of a mirror, and yet he still looked incredible. How did he do it? I spent half an hour in front of my mirror before I would even consider walking out the door. He was simply beautiful.

“The famous artiste,” I said as I leaned forward to speak to him.

He turned and tried to look at me casually, “So did you see my stuff?”

“No I had to get a drink first.”

“It's over there. In case you're interested,” he said calmly as he pointed toward the wall of drawings I had immediately sought out upon walking in the door.

We stared at each other for a moment as I drew my lips in with my teeth and looked over toward the pictures. Of course, Michael and the Doc were there, laughing at something. When Doc saw me looking he stopped smiling and began to walk away. I took this as an opportunity to speak to Michael alone for a moment and went over to where he was observing the drawings. I leaned against a table next to him and whispered “psst” as if we were in a library. Upon seeing my grin he rolled his eyes and looked back at the picture of me.

“I think the artist has taken some liberties,” he stated.

“Oh that's a perfect likeness,” I replied.

“Oh come on, it was never that big.”

“Hey you haven't seen it in a long time.”

“I haven't seen Gone with the Wind in a long time, but I know it's still three and a half hours.”

We both laughed at that. Then, he turned to me in all seriousness and said, “By the way, I heard you hit on David last night.”

I laughed at this and retorted, “I couldn't have been that high.”

“You were, and you did.”

Last night... ah yes, last night....

“Well, you've got him well trained,” the Doc had said.

“He takes care of me, and I take care of him,” I spoke as he nodded, “So, Doc. Do you screw all of you patients?”

“Well, If you're referring to Michael, I released him from my care before we went out together,” he had said and cleared his throat, “What about you, what do you do?”


“Well, you must know a thing or two about screwing people,” he said with a smile.

“I could do it in my sleep.”

“I bet you could.”

“You know, Dave, what's weird about you meeting Mikey is that we usually meet guys together.”

“And they usually end up with you?”

“The lucky ones,” I stated with a grin.

“Debatable,” he countered with his own grin.

Remembering what happened the night before, I explained to Michael.

“I was testing him. I wanted to see if he'd drop you the first chance he got,” I said, which was partly true. I just didn't say that a part of me was hoping he would so I could have my best friend back.

“Oh yea right!”

“Aren't I always looking out for you?”

“You're just jealous because somebody finally thinks I'm hot or something,” he said as he turned his back on me.

“You are hot or something,” I replied as I walked around in front of him to make him face me, “I've been telling you that since you were fourteen, but you won't believe me.”

I leaned down to kiss him full on the lips to reinforce what I was saying. I did think Michael was hot. Any guy would be more than lucky to end up with him. The problem was, I wasn't willing to let that person be me, because knowing my track record, I'd have it screwed up in a week flat, and I'd lose my best friend. No, Michael needed someone so much better than anything I could give him. He deserved it. I just wasn't sure if this doctor was it.

I pulled away to put my arm around him and take a sip of my drink. I could see lover boy eying us next to Melanie, so I decided it was my time to find other occupation. There was no telling what that muncher was telling him.

I continued browsing through Justin's drawings, becoming more and more impressed with his work as I progressed. Each picture told me something about him. I felt like I was getting to know him through his art. God, I sound like such a fag. Either way, that's what his stuff always does to me.

I came to one drawing of another guy that looked to be about his age, but he was naked, and holding a towel. That was pretty interesting. I'd certainly have to learn about that one later on. Once I'd finished looking at his work, I continued on to the rest of the art done by other people. It was all certainly good stuff. In all honesty, there was art that would probably be considered a lot “better” than Justin's, but none of it really did much for me. Not like his.

I quickly became bored with looking at the rest of the pictures of naked men, and - gag - the vagina sculptures. I started to scan the room aimlessly, and finally pinpointed him. He was standing next to a giant phallic sculpture examining some photographs. God he was hot. I came up behind him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

“Who's that guy you drew?” I asked as my lips brushed his ear.

He smiled and looked down at his feet.

“It's someone I go to high school with.”

“Well don't forget to blow him.”

I couldn't help but tease him, he looked so sexy when he'd been had.

His smile grew impish as he retorted, “I already did.”

His mischief was definitely having an affect on me. I leaned in to kiss him soundly, which he heartily returned.

His friend Daphne came up to us at that point and directed us to smile. I pulled him close and wrapped my arms around him, nibbling his ear as we smiled into the camera. Our first picture together.

The rest of the show went off without a hitch. Justin sold some of his drawings, one of them being my picture (purchased by yours truly). What can I say? I figured it would be worth a great deal of money someday, and I might as well make a wise investment into the kid's future, right?

After the show was over, we all decided to head to the club for a good time. Of course, the doctor came with Mikey. One good thing to see was Theodore back from self-imposed exile. I knew he'd be back when he was ready. Of course, everybody's favorite stalker showed up with his little fag hag. She seemed nice enough, if not a little quirky.

“Oh my god, I used to love this song!” Michael piped up to Dancing Queen.

Before the doc could whisk him away, I decided I'd grab him myself. Don't ask me why I did it. It was like an impulse. We danced and partied, and he laughed and had more fun than I think we'd had together in a while. In the end, though, I wasn't going to win. Dr. “Pain in my butt” stole him away, giggling like a little girl from the drugs I'd given him. No matter how much I wanted this guy out of our lives, I was starting to think he wasn't going to.

shades of grey

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