Nothing as it Should Be - QAF/HP Crossover

Dec 27, 2008 16:08

Title: Nothing as it Should Be
Length: 14 chapters plus Epilogue
Fandom:  HP/QAF crossover
Pairings:  Brian Kinney/Draco Malfoy.  Eventual Harry/Draco and Brian/Justin (Both in the epilogue)
Time line:  Takes place in winter of 1999.  Draco is 19 and Brian would be 28.  Cannon through Deathly Hallows but ignores epilogue.  Pre-101 for QAF so, Brian won't meet Justin for another year then assumes everything will happen as it does on the show. 
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:  Explicit sex, Angst, Brian/Other, mildly Anti-Micheal. 
Disclaimer:  I own nothing related to either QAF or HP.

Summary:  Stranded in self imposed exile in Pittsburgh, Draco Malfoy is a shadow of his former self.  It takes a chance meeting with Brian Kinney and the sleepless nights that ensue to remind Draco how to live with no excuses and no regrets.

I originally posted this on my journal as a WIP, but it is now complete.  The story is told from Draco's point of view (in second person) however's Brian's character is equally important.  Anyone who shies away from Brian/Other should know that even though Brian is paired here with Draco for most of the story, the only true love Brian Kinney will ever have is Justin Taylor, even here.  :)

Oh...and the icon I used is the model Boyd Holbrook who was my inspiration for Draco.  Nice yes??

This is the link to the first two parts.  All other parts are under the "nothing" tag in my journal.  Leave me a comment if you stop by!  :)

qaf/harry potter, author: auselysium

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