Title: The Ghosts that sell Memories, Part 7
Fandom: Supernatural/Queer as Folk (US)
chocolate84Disclaimer: Not mine.
Genre: crossover, slash
Pairing/Characters: Brian/Justin, Dean, Sam
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 overall; this part is rated PG13 for language and implied violence and abuse.
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3 for QaF; up to and including episode 1.12 Faith for SPN.
Wordcount (this part): ~3700
Summary: Sam and Dean were send to Pittsburgh to track down a nasty spirit on a three year long killing spree. Once meeting a blond, young man, their job only gets more complicated. (not wincest)
Author’s Note: Beta’d by the lovely
mayalaen. A more detailed header can be found
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4,
Interlude #1,
Part 5,
Part 6 “Part 7: He just barely remembers not to slam the heavy door shut like he wants, ‘cause duh. It’s still early, and he doubts the neighbors would take very well to that interruption of their sleep. And why the hell would they?!” x-posted.