Fic: The Ghosts that sell Memories, 6/? (SPN/QaF; NC-17, slash)

Nov 26, 2007 09:06

Title: The Ghosts that sell Memories, Part 6
Fandom: Supernatural/Queer as Folk (US)
Author: chocolate84
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Genre: crossover, slash
Pairing/Characters: Brian/Justin, Dean, Sam
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 overall; this part is rated PG13 mostly for language. And Dean still being drunk. ;)
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3 for QaF; up to and including episode 1.12 Faith for SPN.
Wordcount (this part): ~2900
Summary: Sam and Dean were send to Pittsburgh to track down a nasty spirit on a three year long killing spree. Once meeting a blond, young man, their job only gets more complicated. (not wincest)
Author’s Note: Still a Work in Progress. Since I’m going to be pretty busy for the next two weeks, and I didn’t want to let you wait even longer, this is the un-beta’d version of the chapter. As soon as I’m back and the chapter is back from the beta, too, I’m gonna replace it. More to that in the actual post. ETA: Done. Just replaced the text with the beta'd version. Beta by the wonderful mayalaen. She's an angel. :) A more detailed header can be found here.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Interlude #1, Part 5

“Part 6: The drive to the motel is, well, blurry. Sounds and touches - not that kind of touches, come on! - and lights, and-- Okay, okay, so it’s missing.”


qaf/spn, author: chocolate84

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