Title: The Ghosts that sell Memories, Part 5
Fandom: Supernatural/Queer as Folk (US)
chocolate84Disclaimer: Not mine.
Genre: crossover, slash
Pairing/Characters: Brian/Justin, Dean, Sam
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 overall; this part is rated PG13 mostly for language. And Dean being drunk - no make that tipsy. ;)
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3 for QaF; up to and including episode 1.12 Faith for SPN.
Wordcount (this part): ~2800
Summary: Sam and Dean were send to Pittsburgh to track down a nasty spirit on a three year long killing spree. Once meeting a blond, young man, their job only gets more complicated.
Author’s Note: Still a Work in Progress. *sigh* Lots of cookies as well as a big ‘thank you’ go to
mayalaen for the fantastic beta. ;) …Plus, this fic doesn’t contain wincest. A more detailed header can be found
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4,
Interlude #1 “Part 5: Then someone is laughing and… did he say that out loud?” x-posted.