Unconditional by dreamrequiem [recced by Ayesakara]

Dec 28, 2009 19:17

And now the vid:

Video: Unconditional // "What About Now" by Daughtry
Vidded by: dreamrequiem
Timeframe: All Seasons
Time count: 4:15
Rating: R
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Vid:
Because, first of all, it's a brand new vidder to me, and a damn good one at that. So rare to find a well-done new QAF vid these days. Second, because it's ensemble that goes for all seasons and the vidder gets all the characters. Good music, great editing, very nicely done over all. Go check it out!

Watch the vid here:
Unconditional by dreamrequiem

dreamrequiem, vid, all seasons

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