Fresh Feeling - the vid by f1renze. [recced by Ayesakara]

Dec 13, 2009 23:07

And here's the vid:

Video: Fresh Feeling - the vid // Eels
Vidded by: f1renze
Timeframe: Seasons 3-4
Time count: 2:46
Rating: R
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Vid:
Because it's gorgeous and beautifully done with f1renze's signature prowess as a Master Vidding Diva! ;) Lovely song, lovely scenes. Justin consumes Brian's whole life. You can see it in his eyes. How can Justin ever miss the starry-eyed look, huh? ;) Wonderful stuff. Go download and don't forget to leave feedback!

Download the vid here:
Fresh Feeling - the vid by f1renze

recs: ayesakara, vid, f1renze, seasons 3-4

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