Avatar by cold_poet [Recced by Ayesakara]

Oct 01, 2009 23:48

And here's missed rec # 2 -- enjoy:

Title: Avatar
Written by: cold_poet
Timeframe: all seasons, Post 513
Word count: 1096
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Because Brian Kinney's black Wrangler jeep was made of love. And because Justin knows it. A brief look at some of the most meaningful moments in Brian and Justin's history, linked with the Jeep. Short and sweet, and wonderfully written, it's a story that makes you smile. Because it shows that while Justin may have missed out the Kinney clues at various points in canon, time and perspective always taught him the truth eventually. This Justin gets it. And that fact alone is love in itself. Check it out! :)

Read the Fic here:
Avatar by cold_poet

cold_poet, fic, recs: ayesakara, post season five, all seasons

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