A Superhero by mojokid [recced by Ayesakara]

Aug 03, 2008 23:14

Title: A Superhero
Written by: mojokid
Timeframe: Post Season Four
Word Count: 957
Rating: R
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Because I was amused by the crush Hunter had on Brian when he first saw him. And I missed it when season four returned and we saw no sign of it in Cowlip's universe. So it's good to have fanfic writers who did explore the Hunter angle -- not necessarily the crush per se, but the potential connection he (may) have (had) with Brian beyond that crush. Lovely little piece with a tinge of sadness in it that makes you feel for the kid. Check it out! :)

Read the story here:
A Superhero by mojokid

fic, recs: ayesakara, mojokid, post season four

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