Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk by Rachel Anton [recced by Ayesakara]

Jul 13, 2008 23:41

Video: Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk // Rufus Wainwright
Vidded by: Rachel Anton
Timeframe: Seasons 1-2
Time count: 4:00
Rating: R
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Vid:
Because it's a good thing to sometimes remember how very young Justin was when he met Brian. How young and how vulnerable. Here was a strong, determined young man who was indeed very mature for his age, very much a man, but still his age had to account for something, right? We ought not to forget that. He grew up fast. Circumstances forced him to do so. But there were times when he must've been so overwhelmed by things that were happening around him. This lovely vid shows us the kid he actually was, and the song and clips chosen are so perfect that you can't help but want to give a big ol' hug to Sunshine. Beautiful vid. Hope you enjoy. :)

Download the vid here:
Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk by Rachel Anton

Don't forget to give the vidder feedback on her journal here

recs: ayesakara, seasons 1-2, vid, rachel anton

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