Brighter than Sunshine by kitkatbyte [recced by Ayesakara]

Sep 25, 2007 13:14

Video: Brighter than Sunshine // Aqualung
Vidded by: kitkatbyte
Timeframe: All seasons
Time count: 3:44
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Why I Recommend This Vid:
This is my all-time favorite feel-good QAF vid. It's common knowledge that I'm one of those eternal optimists who sees mostly the positive in season 5 and find nothing but a happy ending for B/J in 513. But despite all that, the angst of the finale is still deeply felt by me. This vid, though, always, without fail, renews my feeling of happiness and contentment with the QAF finale. Absolutely gorgeous stuff. Anytime I'm feeling down, I pop in this vid and it gets me smiling in no time. Wendy rocks the QAF vidding world! :)

Download the vid here:
Brighter than Sunshine by kitkatbyte

recs: ayesakara, kitkatbyte, vid, all seasons

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