Gold and Silver Shines by severina2001 [recced by Ayesakara]

Feb 21, 2008 23:13

Since my co-conspirator broke the cardinal rule of hosting fanfic rec comms in her last post ("thou shalt not pimp each other"), I suppose I can finally indulge. If only I'd known earlier I was allowed this liberty, choosing a rec on the hard nights would've been so much easier. ;)

Title: Gold and Silver Shines
Written by: severina2001
Timeframe: Post season five
Word Count: 50080
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Because if someone ever asked me what I considered a perfect post-513 fic, I'd choose this one. It has everything you'd ever want to read in a B/J story. It has schmoop, it has passion, it has a bit of angst, it has snark, it has the most in-character characterization for all the characters we know and love and the dialogue between each and every one of them is absolutely spot-on. Most of all, it has love. Loads and loads of it. No matter what Brian and Justin are up to, there's never ever any doubt of how much they love each other. severina2001 makes writing great fics look effortless. I wish I knew what her secret was. Enjoy! ;)

Read the story here:
Gold and Silver Shines by severina2001

severina2001, fic, recs: ayesakara, post season five

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