Brian Kinney: The One-Man Circus by knittedshadow [recced by Ayesakara]

Feb 09, 2008 22:33

Sorry about the disappearing act day before but I'm back now and will be doing both the weekend's recs. Here's today's:

Title: Brian Kinney: The One-Man Circus
Written by: knittedshadow
Timeframe: Episode 101 gapfiller
Word Count: 793
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Because its adorably cute and so well-written that I can't believe I hadn't read it until now. Yes, folks, this was a new fic to me until tonight. We all heard Justin tell Brian in 101 that the reason the loft was in such disarray was because he'd been juggling and doing handstands and that he wasn't much good at it, huh? Well, now we can read all about how it must've gone on. knittedshadow needs few words to paint a picture that is funny as hell and very entertaining. Go read!

Read the story here:
Brian Kinney: The One-Man Circus by knittedshadow

ETA: I just found out that the story is f-locked. Apologies for that. I'm trying to find an unlocked version and will update this entry if I find it. SORRY. :(

Update: I heard back from knittedshadow. She says she'll add back anyone who wants to read her stories, so feel free to friend her. :)

fic, recs: ayesakara, knittedshadow, season one, gapfiller

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