Title: The Kinney Cure
Written by:
ethareiTimeframe: Mid Season One
Word Count: 1782
Rating: PG-13 [rated by author]
Warnings: None
Why I Recommend This Fic:
etharei is one of the best writers this fandom has been lucky enough to have grace with her writing. Navigating the changing voices of Brian and Justin throughout the seasons can be rough (how many times have you read a post season five fic where Justin is just a little too naive or Brian just a tad too snarky and jaded?) but
etharei always manages to have her finger exactly on the pulse of their voices. She knows these characters. In this particular story, we rocket back to Season One, where Justin has got a cold and thinks that, perhaps, Brian won't want to be around him. Brian, of course, finds an excuse to check up on the missing boy. And then
etharei gives us the hottest non-sex sex scene in the history of fandom (in fact, it's hotter in my opinion that most sex scenes!) So? Perfect characterization, fluid prose, HOT, and Vic shows up to deliver the Best Line Ever. What are you waiting for? Go read!
Read the store here:
The Kinney Cure by