The New Black by mojokid [recced by Ayesakara]

Dec 09, 2007 22:23

Title: The New Black
Written by: mojokid
Timeframe: Season 1-4, Post season four AU
Word Count: 2633
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Why I Recommend This Fic:
The relationship between Brian Kinney and Jennifer Taylor took a strange, twisting path on its tenuous journey during canon. To her, he started out as the older, promiscuous man who'd seduced her baby boy and put him on the path of drugs, gay clubs and excess that had thrown Craig on a bender and destroyed her marriage. But as years passed and Brian and Justin's relationship evolved, so did her opinion of the enigma that was Brian Kinney. Here, mojokid takes us on a wonderful journey, through the canon years until taking a post-season four AU turn, where Jennifer gets to see the man her son fell in love with, and finally understand him a little better. I love Brian-Jennifer fics, and this one is beautifully done.

Read the story here:
The New Black by mojokid

seasons 1-4, fic, au, recs: ayesakara, mojokid, post season four

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