Title: How The Story Ends
Written by: Erin (
Timeframe: Post Season Five
Word Count: 3887
Rating: R [rated by reccer]
Warnings: None
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Anyone who knows me know that I worship Erin. If I could afford the gold leaf, I'd have a shrine to her in my apartment. As it is, the shrine exists in my head. There is no better writer in QaF fandom. I'm sorry, there's just NOT. So it might be surprising that it's taken me until now to link a favourite Erin story over here. And the reason for the delay was because... I absolutely could not choose. Each story that she's written -- and she's written a lot -- has something unique and special that makes me squee or sigh or sob.
I finally settled on "How The Story Ends", for two reasons. One, Erin went out of her way to write this story for me even though I didn't win her services in Liz's blogathon contest. You have no idea how excited I was or how honoured I was by her offer. ERIN FIC FOR ME. And secondly, this story captures everything I love about Brian and Justin, every nuance that makes these characters shine, that makes us love their strengths and their weaknesses. Much as I want (know, believe) that Justin and Brian have a happily ever after, you know there's going to be bumps along the way. Erin makes these roadblocks feel believable and real.
And wait, there's a third reason. Unlike the majority of writing I come across, the sex here is not smut. No, really. This is emotion-based, character-based, joyful and sexy and hot and occasionally comical. This is real.
Read the story here:
How The Story Ends by