The Winners!

May 01, 2006 07:39

Okay, I guess we've kept you waiting long enough. Many thanks once again to paddies and kitkatbyte for tallying all the votes. You ladies rock!

108 people took the time to read all the stories and cast their votes. One hundred and eight. Pretty amazing, huh? Virtually every story received votes, and people seemed to be voracious about their favourites -- whichever story it may have been. We're so thrilled that the participation level was so great on the part of the writers and of the readers/voters. Thank you everyone.

Okay. On with the show!

First Place with an astounding 105 points: "Blank Canvas" by ayesakara!

Second Place with an amazing 68 points: "Coda" by a_short_detour!

Third Place in a fight for the finish with 50 points: "Tally Marks" by ragingpixie!

Congratulations everyone! And congratulations truly go out to ALL the writers - hopefully you all created something that you LOVED and enjoyed writing. And we must also tell you that there truly was a battle being raged for Third Place, with only 3 points separating the 3rd and 4th place story, 5 points between the 3rd and 5th place story, and 6 points between the 3rd and 6th place story. So truly, every vote made a difference!

And it's now Reveal Day! All the story posts will be edited in a few minutes to add the author names, so you can finally find out who wrote what! Some of your guesses were very good. Others... not so good. ;)

Writers: You can now reply to the comments your stories have received, and upload your stories to your own websites or personal LJ's if you choose to do so. Thank you so much for remaining anonymous for so long!

Winners and Prize Donors: Please contact me ( and Ayesha ( so we can make arrangements for you to receive/give your awesome prizes. We'll be working on that tomorrow, but these ones we can give you right now. Follow the cut to the gorgeous Winners Graphics:

I think that's it, except for one final THANK YOU to all of you. *big schmoopy kisses from us both*
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