For those who know what Pair Programming is: In other news, after an entire year of sleeping on a cot, I have finally graduated to a queen-sized bed. Someone in the new apartment complex was selling, posted price $250. Fortunately, it was an Indian family who was selling. I love buying things from Indians. They have a culture of always negotiating price, so I talked him down to $200. I'm sure he walked away happy that he ripped me off :-).
When I looked at it, I wasn't sure it was a queen-sized bed. It did not say on the mattress tag. Both the previous owner and
altrux said it was, but I had that persistant doubt. I mean, I expected it to be bigger than the full-sized bed I was sleeping on back before I moved to Atlanta. Even when I brought up the sheets sized for the bed, I still had that thought nagging at the back of my head.
I was finally and completely convinced it was a queen-sized bed this morning when I realized I had to do an extra roll to roll out of bed.