(no subject)

Jan 05, 2007 17:20

Dear very nice saleswoman,

Thank you! You treated my best friend and I (who look like an adorable lesbian couple, even though I'm a transgayboy and she's a proud "anything goes but mostly guys go" cisgirl) like any other people who came into your store. You were polite, helpful, gave advice of which shoes held up best, joked around with us, and were generally everything a good salesperson should be. You didn't even freak out when I said to my friend "You keep me around for my colour-coordination and my ability to figure out sale prices" and my friend replied "Sure, that's the reason" which sounded sexual but wasn't.

Thanks again,

The androgynous-looking, femmey-acting person who came into your shoe department this lunch hour.

Dear rest of the sales world,

Fuck you for making me forget that's how people are USUALLY treated. Fuck you for making me forget that I am ENTITLED TO BE TREATED POLITELY and with respect. Fuck you for making me forget that most people don't get stared at and needled and that most people don't have their shopping experience turned into an episode of "It's Pat!"

No love,
The very pissed "it" who's just trying to get his shopping done
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