a snippet found on Lez_sex_tips

Aug 17, 2006 07:26

background before my reply, which I choose NOT to put out on the board...

Two girls were on a bus and GF put her seat back. There was an altercation in which eldery Idiot slapped GF on the back of the head. OP flew into a rage and screamed at the guy, almost hitting him. This is OPs question: I'm not the "man" in the relationship in several things but I am in others. Regardless, when something like this happens my wife expects me to stand up for her, as well as I expect her to do the same thing if something happens to me.

So... My "question" here is: how would you react to something like this happening to you or your partner? Would you feel like "such a guy" if you did something? Would you be ok with that? What about your partner?

I am not so uncomfortable in my own gender to worry about if I acted more male or more female in ANY relationship. If someone/something needed protection, it would be there. The first thing in my mind during/after such an event would be if I over reacted, or if I used the proper amount of control to rectify the situation.

It's a bitchy answer --because I'm a bitch :P-- but really. you've in a relationship with another woman, you love her and you (supposedly) love who you are. Why are you worried if you look like more the 'male' part or not? What purpose does this accomplish? If someone wants to think I'm a butch because I'm burly and don't wear glitter nail polish than that's their problem because they are ignorant. I really don't care. I try not to label myself like that.

Sad how ingrained our stereotypes are in this culture. Very very sad.
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