I miss my dreams

Aug 31, 2010 14:18

Loneliness takes me over then hopelessness comes in waves. I have asked to be transferred back to day shift taking a huge pay cut just to get off of this dead zone. I come home at night to an empty, lonely, sleeping house. Gloominess and shades of gray is the only thing that is stirring running around and playing with my mind. I hold tight to the memories of day life. I’m slipping into a lost world. I feel out to listen to the thoughts of others just to keep me conscious. Not much to hear except the night owls thinking of ways to get releases from whatever twinge that is keeping them up. Many years ago I enjoyed analyzing these thoughts although now I find them depressing.

I lay down to sleep around five am, only to regard the clock ringing out for Davy to start his day. I’m back up again to spend sometime with him then a subsequent second wind of life wakes me totally. Nevertheless it’s short lived after he leaves for work. I must struggle to sleep again. I lay down to begin the end of my day into night then morning but my mind has other ideas. I set again hearing the thoughts of waking people trying to get geared up for their day. I pass out after awhile to a dreamless rest. I miss my dreams.
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