
Diary 14th April, this year 2007

Apr 14, 2007 17:04

Sleep is for the saintly. I have been wicked.

The wedding went off with the required hitch, although I found myself pressed into service as the stand in for an indisposed cousin the evening before the do. For someone such as myself, for whom the concept and actual act of marriage is a complete anathema, I find myself all too involved in such events. I may also have been caught on camera paying far too much attention to the phasing of the beautiful stone fireplaces in the great tudor hall, than to the 'dos'. A heinous crime for which I will obviously pay.

In addition to the wedding, the removal of one's belongings from the north to the south is now half completed. There is now the allegedly simple task of finding a new temporary home, which must have some space for visitors if not an actual room. I have unvovered too many socks and not enough books exisit in my life.

This past week has been spent at the task of preparing a sermon on a necessarily vague topic to then give to a collection of interested souls near Carlisle. The task made a tad bit harder by the prevailment of Liverpool upon my time. But hence, on thursday, the pronouncements were made, tea and biscuits were served, powerpoint and projector performed and everyone was delighted. I feel, however, utterly abashed as despite protestations that there are no fees, a total of £30 in book tokens was forced upon me ! These people are purest evil, since if it had been anything else I should have easily returned the goods. but they know my soul too well - how can I survive such temptation ?

With the good always comes the bad. This time in the form of an errant worker. The worker is not wholely to blame but then neither am I - but the event precipitates the realisation that I cannot be crossed. There are never tantrums nor outrages just pure anoyance at standards below my own limited par. But once crossed I think there is no way back. I am truely unreasonable.

Thus there has been little sleep since I am utterly wicked.
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