Jan 31, 2007 13:00
Well so far our new internet service provider sucks balls.
Call to make my first payment...give them my credit card information and how much I want to pay...get told that someone will call me back with a confirmation number...this seems weird to me but ok maybe that is the way they do these things.
No call back.
Wait about a week and a half and call back. Sit on hold for 40 minutes before someone finally get's on the line, and then wait another 15 or so while they look for my confirmation number. So almost an hour phone call to find out one measly string of like 7 numbers.
Got a note on our door "sorry we missed you" type thing. Apparently they sent a tech out to our apartment without scheduling it with us first and of course no one is home during the days on Tuesday. They said they would reschedule.
Get an email today from the former internet service provider (whom we love) letting us know that today is their last day of providing service.
Call and sit on hold for another half an hour before I get a hold of anyone. Advised the rep that it is unacceptible that they sent a tech out without consulting us first on what day they would be coming out. They apparently rescheduled us for today as well. Advised rep that again, no one consulted me on this, and no one would be home.
Rep suggests that we give the leasing office permission to let them in so they can do the installation today. Quickly inform the rep that that is the most assinine idea I have ever heard. No one is going to be in our apartment without us.
Ask rep if she can reschedule for Thursday or Friday. She says no, the earliest she can schedule is for Monday.
Then ask rep if this means our internet is going to be interrupted until that time. She doesn't know.
Advised rep that it was unacceptible that our internet is shut down from Thursday until Monday because their tech didn't bother to actually notify or schedule his visit with us, just showed up and left a note on the door. Advised rep that we paid our bill in advance to keep our service from being interrupted. Advised rep that we also work from home somewhat and internet is an integral part of our income (kind of true, Doug does bring home work with him for our boss).
Rep I spoke with (Rose) told me that she was taking my information down and passing it along to her supervisor Ingrid advising her of our situation...Ingrid is supposed to call me back today.
She hasn't called yet. She has one solid hour before I get off work, then I am calling back and there is going to be hell to pay.
SOOOO we very well may be without fucking internet until Monday (might have to load our puters up and go to a friends house for a lan party for wow fix). If that is the case we will be filing a formal complaint against this new company with our leasing office. Would be nice if we could get them to lose their contract before they even really start it.