Jan 06, 2005 19:26
heyy everybody _ im on the phone riqht now listinq to amanda sinq on the phone =/ uqh lOl anyway todayy was a pretty cool day _ nothinq really happened thouqh ; school is qay as always and yeah ; i just qot done eatinq dinner =/ uqh now im full hehe =] _ anyway i just qot this new straiqhtner that my madree ordered * so im qoinq to qo try it out toniqht ; its " suppost " to be one the new best ones but well see about that lOl * umm yeah nothinq else to write about . it was a borinq day _ qive him time lmao nicole ! lOl my qreat advice lOl _ alriqht im qoinq
qina mariee < 3 wishinq on you