if only he knew, what this meant ♥

Sep 09, 2005 23:43

AMAZING. seriously, AMAZING<3
i went to school, saw Tommy after every period.
Talked to Mikey for a min. got a hug.

Came home, took a nap.
Tom called me.
Then came and got me around 7 something.
We went to his aunts house for like an hour.
Then went back to his house.
And talked about music and what not.

I had fun.
He makes me laugh so much.
I love it, alot.
He also makes me smile<3

Tomorrow, i'm going to Jackson Day with Danielle.
I'm pretty sure Tommy is coming later on in the day.
I can't wait to see him again.

Well now, I'm just waiting for Tommy to get home,
And then to call me<3

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