
Movies of Last Year

Jan 04, 2019 00:36

I watched six movies in theaters last year- which is a high amount for me, so I'm going to rank them!

First to go through my letter-grades-

Black Panther, A+

Avengers: Infinity War, A

Rampage, B+

Pacific Rim Uprising, B

Ralph Breaks the Internet, A-

Into the Spider-Verse, A

(Some of these have changed a bit since initial watching- I've decided that Ralph, while surprisingly good and well-done, isn't likely to draw a rewatch from me)

And into how much I enjoyed them/my favs among them-

1. Black Panther
2. Pacific Rim Uprising
3. Avengers: Infinity War
4. Into the Spider-Verse
5. Rampage
6. Ralph Breaks the Internet

You'll note this is not too closely tied to my letter grades ^^ Panther's pretty much the whole package, I loved it and it was fantastically done, with a strong message, and such.

Pacific Rim Uprising, it had some flaws but I did like the cast, the scientists had great chemistry and Jake and Amara were fun, and it's still a love-letter to giant robots and giant monster movies with a ton of fun.

Spider-Verse and Infinity War are neck-and-neck, time may move Spider-Verse up above it possibly, and Endgame could affect IW's placement. Infinity War just had more emotional gut-punches and the results of all the build-up, but Spider-verse is a visually and audibly (The Prowler's theme was terrifying!) incredible movie that does a ton no-other spider-man, or superhero, movie has done, and itself had some tremendously memorable moments. Could easily move up.

Rampage, Dwayne Johnson and giant monsters. Enough said. I'm more into the big-kaiju of Pacific Rim types, but hey, still very solid.

Ralph Breaks the Internet, as said, surprisingly good, managed to make a sequel that both stayed true to the original and wasn't a retread either, I just don't think I'll be as inclined to re-watch it as I was the original or some of the others here.

Honestly the 're-watch' list is pretty much... Spider-Verse on up, and I certainly wouldn't object to seeing the other two ago. All in all it a very good year for movies for me!

pacific rim, rating, movie review, superhero

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