Jan 31, 2015 09:57
I just picked up and read through the first two volumes of Lazarus, which I think many of you would like.
To begin with, it's by Greg Rucka, who's always good (Gotham Central, the original DC 52 series, Batwoman, etc.). Comes with good art too.
It takes place in a dystopia (I think post-apoc but the nature of the apoc if it happened is unknown, but a lot of soil is hard to use and such) future where things are run by 'families' who've divided the land up. The Family rules. The Serfs serve them and are kept comfortable. The Waste, everyone else, makes do. Each family spends a lot of money to create a 'Lazarus,' an effectively unkillable enforcer (they can be killed, but recover rapidly from bullet wounds and such and are moderately superhuman), including the lead of the book, Forever (or 'Eve') Carlyle, youngest member of the Carlyle family. Though it doesn't just follow her- the second arc is about a family of Waste going to a 'Lift,' where they apply to serve the family as Serfs.
A bit mob in style, a bit future, it's very well written.
It's the best indie book I've gotten into since Saga.
Rating: A