Nov 13, 2009 19:00
For Abay (the first two weeks on the phones when we get experienced reps dedicated to helping us), our shifts are 4:30 pm - 1 am w/Mon/Tues off. I need Fri/Sat off (which I'm getting). Originally, we were supposed to get Wed/Thurs off, so one guy in the class has to stick with the original schedule, 'cause him and his wife already arranged her work schedule to accommodate that, so someone would be home with their little girl. So at least I won't be all by myself on Monday, first day back on the phones.
The guy in with me is TJ. The guy who's sat beside me most of training is Ian, who I've probably helped make it thru quite a bit. lol (It's not that he can't do it, I think he just gets distracted.) To TJ told me I had to make sure to sit with him on Monday, and Ian declares "You have to give her back for Wednesday, though!" LOL Like I'm his personal helper or something. Made me feel appreciated, anyway.
I'm almost sort of looking forward to being back on the phones, especially since it's tech support, not billing.
I am way behind in leaving for Guelph tonight, should already almost be there, but at still home. At this point, I'm waiting for my dad to get hom from work at 7, 'cause I'm supposed to take the car he has with him, and I realy don't want to drive all the way there, transfer all my stuff, etc. I thought about showering before I leave, but then all my toiletry stuff will be wet, so I'll do that as soon as I get to Hihi's.
Still trying to firm up all my plans for this weekend beyond tonight. lol Argh!
Probably not online again till Mon/Tues, I think. Am considering taking my laptop with me, but seems like too much of a hassle.