So, THE GIRL has been home sick with H1N1 for the past week or two. Just as I was starting work, and less available to chat, etc. During this time, she connected online with a friend of a friend... a girl who has just "blows her mind." She says "like, there is no question in my mind that monogamy is and would feel right with this girl." Here I was
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THe lesson that we all seem to learn a little too late is that you cant put stuff off... like talking to that person you are interested in. or picking a career path that isnt cultural anthropology... lol... I mean, when I get done with the new baby and am able to go back to school, well, I will be in my thirties before i can contribute financially to my family. sigh.
Similar issues, I think.. I hope it makes you feel better... no matter what you do or dont do or have or dont have or what your nationality, I think the stresses of approaching your thirties make you retrospective and antsy for the things you dont have or havent accomplished yet. Let's book mark this conversation and come back in ten years.. I bet we laugh about how silly we were to be filled with any angst at all! ;)
How sad is that, really? I'm almost 27, and THAT's the advice I'd give a younger me?!?!
Although "charmed" may be a bit of a stretch, your life is certainly beautiful from the outside. Yes, having three little kids is hard (what WERE you two thinking?! lol), and I can understand how you might feel stagnated career-wise. But you have a great (don't tell him I called him that) husband who loves you, three gorgeous daughters, and you seem relatively financially comfortable. At the end of the day, you can look around and say, "Look at what I've done" with pride. And I don't just mean the laundry and the dishes. Your family is your work of wonder, your creation. You do God's work, you do amazing work, every day. Almost anyone can fit into almost any profession; it takes a special kind of woman to be a great mom.
I don't mean to sound like I don't appreciate the commiseration. I'm just trying to point out how lucky you are. :)
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