So I've been looking for a job for awhile.
A few weeks ago, I had a telephone interview with
NuComm, and went in for testing. They took awhile getting back to me, and then they finally told me they weren't currently hiring. (Which I thought was strange, since I'd sent in my resume specifically in response to a posting.)
I've since continued sending out my resume (mostly online, or by fax), and even managed to get a phone interview with
CIBC yesterday. Frankly, that interview went awesome. The woman who called was fun to talk to, and seemed impressed by my grasp of the position and how my personal goals and skills corresponded so well with what CIBC is looking for. She told me I'd hear from the local branch manager within a week to arrange for a second interview.
I also heard back from NuComm. They asked if I was still interested in a position. I told them I was. (That was Wed. afternoon, before I read the e-mail from CIBC asking for a phone interview.)
Now I've heard back from NuComm, again. Apparently head office called the OS location and put a rush on hiring. They wanted me to start training this coming Monday! To be honest, I think I might prefer to work for CIBC -- but then again, maybe that's just 'cause I've been all hyped up about them recently. Anyway, with my commitment to Hillside, I can't take part in that training session anyway, 'cause I'd miss a full day, and all of it is mandatory. So I'm supposed to go in the NuComm office Monday morning to sign the contract, and my training would begin the following Monday (July 31st).
I've sent an e-mail to the recruiter at CIBC, telling her what's been going on, and asking if there's anyway to speed up the selection process. I don't know if I should bother keeping my fingers crossed on that one, though. *shrug*
I guess I should just be happy I'm going to be getting a full-time job. (They were both offering full-time, BTW.) I'll be getting benefits and whatnot, and starting pay is $10/hour, which I haven't made since Sitel. And with living at home, I'll be able to save more of that money then when I was at school.
I had been considering applying to
Katimavik (as an employee, not a volunteer), but I can't really get involved with that now. Plus, that would have meant taking a year off school, completely, and maybe that wouldn't have been the best idea. Maybe I'll follow up the Katimavik idea once I get my degree...
Speaking of school, plans have changed. I'm not going to be attending
Guelph in September. Rather than admit me as a transfer student, they recommended I take classes as a visiting student -- which means I attend class at Guelph, but the credit is transfered back to
Brock, where my actual degree would come from. I'd need a Letter of Permission (LOP) from Brock in order to do that.
But if I need an LOP, I could take courses anywhere, really. So I'm currently exploring distance education courses, and possibly courses at
Georgian (since they have a campus here in OS). Now, Georgian is a college, but they've got a BBA program (which is what I'm in) agreement with
Laurentian (a university). So I'm hoping I can take some in-class courses at Georgian that'll count towards my Brock degree. (They'd most likely be Human Resources courses, which Brock doesn't normally approve for LOP, since they feel there needs to be human interaction for HR courses -- which makes sense, I guess.) I might also take come online courses with
Ryerson, or maybe
Normally, Brock has maximum limitations to the number of credits that can be applied to a degree, especially for the last few. But the academic advisor I spoke with told me that if I can prove to the associate dean that it really isn't in my best interest to actually attend classes at Brock, she might over-ride that rule. Then I'd probably only have to go back for one last course, probably for 6 weeks during the Spring/Summer. So if I line up everything correctly, get my butt in gear and keep it in gear, I should be graduated by this time next year! (I might not have the Human Resource Management concentration, but I can always take college courses afterwards to cound towards my certification as an
HR Professional.)
Plus, taking courses will keep me covered as a student on my mom's health insurance, and keep the OSAP people off my back for payments.
Also, my parents are finally looking at buying another car, since our Neon is more obviously dying. It's not scrap yet, but it has definite difficulties with going up hills, and acceleration in general. They'll be buying used, and keeping the Neon, too. This greatly excites me, because it greatly increases my freedom! Nowadays, I can't just pick up and drive anywhere, in case someone at home needs the car. But once we have another one, I can take a day or weekend trip down to Guelph or Toronto, or wherever, and I don't have to worry about a bus schedule or how I'll get around the city! Granted, gas is way expensive nowadays, but it's probs still cheaper than taking the bus!
Hillside is quickly approaching! It's next weekend, in fact! I'm so, so, SO excited! I found out just recently that I am for sure once again the crew chief for Hillside Merchandise. I've actually got more responsibility this time 'round, since my co-ordinator's had some family problems recently. I'm super-excited, and happy, and eager/earnest, and so giddy about the whole thing! I can't wait!
(The only downside about next weekend is that Tiff is coming in this direction for her grandparents' anniversary, and we won't be able to visit after all, since I'll be down in Guelph.)
Anyway, I have some cleaning to do. My grandparents are coming to visit this weekend (sort of in celebration of my brother's birthday, which was a few weeks ago), and the house has to be spotless -- or damn near close. So I'm off to do my share!