I'm gonna try to do this in a listed point-form type of format, so that it stays kinda short (if all goes well).
>>>I just read in
someone's journal that I should "stop taking people to court" (expletive deleted). What confuses me most about this comment is that I haven't, well, taken anyone to court. I filed with the housing tribunal against a former landlord in order to have the lease terminated, among other things. There was a hearing scheduled, though we went thru mediation. No court procedings took place. And as far as I'm aware, the geneneral situation surrounding that apartment resulted in as little lost finances as possible (not just for me), based on the uncooperative nature of many of the people directly involved. (Of course, specific requests for help with dealing with that landlord, then attempting to aid that landlord against me, creates quite the confusion.)
>>>With school, mid-terms are done and handed back, but we are now in the season of major assignments. Which means improper time management results in multiple frantic all-nighters and much jittery caffeine consumption. Also, very mixed up circadian rhythms.
particular friend seems to be going thru a bit of a rough patch, and it upsets me greatly that I cannot be there for him as much as I'd like (for various reasons, including geography). I attempt to impart to him any relevant wisdom to which I may be privy, as well as my support via the Internet, as limiting as it is.
>>>I will be in Guelph this weekend. It's a long story, but let's cut it down to: I'll be arriving sometime Saturday, and probably won't leave till sometime Monday. I was thinking of going to the Underground Saturday night. Have yet to hear any specific opinions regarding this suggestion. As I will have access to a vehicle, I may simply do as I please, especially if I don't hear any recommendations. I will be partially masquerading as my sister, which shouldn't be too difficult, except that I don't know any of the people in her dorm. Maybe if she sends me pics and names...? Hm, that would really confuse them! hehehe... In any case, there are a few individuals in particular that I would like to visit with, but such meetings are not purely up to me. So take this as a call-out, all you Guelphites! Contact me if you'd like the pleasure of my company this coming weekend!
There are other things I could write about, but now is probably not the time. Now is likely the time for sleeping. As I have class in the morning, it is very likely the time for sleep. Guess I'm off to try that, then...
Peace be with you, my soul-siblings...