Met with my counsellor today. Gods, she's amazing. I love going to see her, she always makes me feel better about life. Gives me some perspective, usually some great advice... She also knows her shit. And she's good at concentrating on what I find important, instead of what she may find important. She recognizes that what I'm focusing on may have changed since the last time I saw her, because life happens, and that it's okay to concentrate on the recent issues. But she keeps an eye on past problems, too. I'm always reminded that there's someone fighting for my side, after I meet with her. Yes, I know, my parents will always support me (really!), but she's local. And unlike friends or acquaintances, et cetera, her and I aren't going to get into a disagreement or something, so that I wonder if she's really supporting me. If I ever feel that I need her, all I have to do is pick up the phone. I can schedule an appointment, but they have a paging service if it were ever an emergency.
Last night I spent some time
surfin' round, and I am seriously considering getting a piercing as a reward for doing well this semester. Obviously, that means I have to wait till the end of the semester, and actually do well, but I think it's a good idea. It's an extra incentive AND ensures I'm not acting capriciously. (BTW, I adore the word "capricious"!)
I've been meaning to post a few things, but I'll get to it later tonight. When I'm at home. Where most of it is already typed up. Right now, I'm gonna try to squeeze a quick trip (*lol*) to Health Services before class at 5. Using crutches, even!
Wish me luck! *S