(no subject)

Jun 16, 2004 18:28

I stole a survey from some guy who has me in their friends list called diablo_echidna, I wish I knew who they were, but anyway this apparently came from White Silence, thought I'd have a go wince it actually has something to do with art instead of answering the same old boring questions over and over again.

Q1: What's your pen name?
Currently Pzycho or V.D.

Q2: Why do you call yourself that?
Well, for V.D it's just initials, for Pzycho, it's actually from when I played Midtown Madness 2 online, I was having a hard time coming up with something origional, I went through dozens of names before "Pzycho_Style" popped into my head, I dropped the "Style" part and have been known as "Pzycho" ever since.
Of course I tell everyone it's because an S is harder to carve into flesh.

Q3: Do you use a Mac or a PC?
I just plug my TV into the toaster and use that.

Q4: What program do you use to do your pictures?
Photoshop 7 all the way baby.

Q5: Do you use a tablet or a mouse?
tablet, I need to get a new one soon, the nib is kinda worn down.

Q6: What colours do you use a lot?
uh, black, blue and red I guess.

Q7: What area of the picture do you put most effort into?
The idea behind it, it could be an amazing picture but if it doesn't make any sence that really kicks it down a couple of pegs.

Q8: About how long does it take you do finish each picture?
that really varies quite a lot, on average for something which I would call "good", a couple of hours, for a quick sketch or doodle half an hour maybe, and it's not unknown for me to spend days working on one image.

Q9: Do you keep your rough drafts?
almost all my work is digital, so I keep backups of the .pdf, for my REALLY old art though, I have a couple of folders somewhere filled with really crap sketches and lineart.

Q10: What kind of font do you use most often?
depends on what kind of effect I'm going for, I tend to use a font called "Seraphim" which is cracked and broken and some of the letters are backwards and stuff, but I also use two called "bleed" and "smudgers".

Q11: What size do you colour your pictures in?
2X zoom for sketching and line art, and it depends on how much detail I'm putting in for other parts.

Q12: Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
Normally I have a couple of IM windows open, although I tend to ignore a lot of people when I'm drawing, I have a mental "ignore" list turned on.
Oh, and of course I listen to music, I try to find something that fits in with what I'm drawing so that I can really get my head into it, sometimes infact I draw lots of pictures with the same mood because of one or two songs I get stuck in my head.

Q13: About how many pictures do you draw in a month?
varies, between 5-5000.

Q14: What paper do you use to draw on?
I don't often use paper, but if I have no other choice I use plain ol' cartridge paper from the printer

Q15: What material do you use when working on paper?
just a generic HB pencil

Q16: How long does it take to ink something?
depends on how much detail is in it

Q17: Do you do doujin's?

Q18: What do you like most about doujin?
I don't really read them, occasinally I'll flick through a translated hentai doujin online, but I don't really take in all the text.

Q19: Ever submitted anything to a magazine?
Not that I can recall

Q20: Did any of those submittions go through?

Q21:Favorite artist?
Well,online I have a few, Fox Lee was my first real favourite artist, but I also like Glass Shard, Rittz, Sancho, and that guy from Atomic Toy who I can never remember the name of. hello

Ofline I only have one artist I really admire, J.C.Hewlett, he did the artwork for Tank Girl and Gorillaz.
(don't feel bad if you don't know who ANY of those people are, I'd be scared if you did)

Q22: Favorite anime/manga?
Don't really watch/read much anime/manga, but there's a movie called Orutsukidoji that's pretty sweet, lots of violence and sex and naughty words.
Akira was pretty awesome too.

Q23: Any characters from those anime/manga that you really like?
Omano Jacku, he kicks ass.

Q24:Any artist that you'd like to draw like?
Heh, Van Gogh.

Q25: Any magazines that you buy a lot?
Not really, I occasionally get my hands on heavy metal magazines like Metal Hammer though.

Q26:Books that have been used as a good reference?
I flicked through a couple of "how to draw anime" books for quick reference on how to draw a couple of things, changed the technique a little to get rid of the generic feel of it though, things like feet and proportions and stuff.

Q27: Any video games you enjoy?
Suprisingly I don't actually play many games, I'm fantastic at most games though (give me a couple of hours to practice and I'm unstoppable), I like old school games though, I adore my Snes emulator, and to this day I still enjoy pong.
Oh, Final Fantasy 7 is one of my favourite games ever.

Q28: A character from those games that you really enjoy?
Vincent Valentine, anyone named Vincent is instantly cool in my books, and the fact that he's a vampire just makes him great.

Q29: Favorite writer?
Hmm, I haven't read anything in quite a while, probably why I still like Anne Rice.
oh, and J.K Rowling is ok I guess.

Q30: Any books you really enjoy?
"The Vampire Lestat" was damn good, I wish they hadn't skipped it out when they made the movies.
And I guess I should say that I did enjoy the Harry Potter books, they were very entertaining, but the later ones just don't seem to have the same impact as the first couple of books.

Q31: Do you write your own stories?
Sometimes, but it's not like you can sit and read your own stories, that would just be sad.
I know this from experience.

Q32: Any music that you often listen to while drawing?
mostly rock and metal music, but my playlist is pretty eclectic, often jumping from Michael Jackson to Cradle of Filth.

Q33: Any songs/music that you'd recommend to others?
The Type O-Negative album "Life Is Killing Me" it's simply amazing.

Q34: Any websites that you totally admire?
I don't think admire is the right word, I do kinda like Somethingawful.com though, it's a very well made and maintained site.

Q35: Any sites that you go to every day?
I check my stupid little Hotmail account three or four times a day, obviously give my site a quick check to make sure everything's working ok (half the time when it isn't I can't do shit about it, but it's nice to know), I have a quick giggle and Bash.org and Somethingawful.com, take a peek at Ctrl+Alt+Del, Penny arcade, Loserz and sexy Losers for new comics then look around the USSR and Illusion network for a while.

Q36: What kind of webpage do you wish you had?
Hardcore porn and fetish, obviously.

Q37: Do you like your own art?
It's ok, I think I can safely say it's above average for most people online, there is obviously a LOT of room for improvement, but I'm getting there, I like the idea that a couple of years ago I barely knew which end of the pencil went on the paper, so I can't wait to see how I'm doing in a few years time.

Q38: What do you enjoy watching on TV?
To be honest I don't really watch much TV, I watch some shows on my computer though, Red Dwarf, futurama and South Park mostly.

Q39: Favorite celebrity?
Don't really have one, I'm not that big on celebrities, especially the stupid and/or untalented ones who everyone seems to love *coughMarilynMansoncough*

Q40: Favorite colour?
Black, because I am king goth.

Q41: Favorite food?
I really only eat to shut my stomach up most of the time, I'm rather fond of ribs though.
And I have a massive sweet tooth.

Q42: Favorite drink?
I assume we're talking non-alcoholic, so I'm gonna say Cream Soda.
I like Sunny D too.

Q43: Any stores you visit often?
I don't visit ANYWHERE often.

Q44: Do you like to cook?
I can cook, I don't really enjoy it, but I can cook better then a lot of people, I can do ommalettes and soft boiled eggs and baked potato's and things, I'm far too lazy to stand around and cook them most of the time though.
My favourite meals take little to no effort and are made fairly fast, for example, you take some potato's and chop them into halves or quarters depending on the size of them, microwave on high for five minutes, add butter, microwave for two minutes, add grated cheese, microwave for five minutes, then add more butter and cheese and eat.
I like trying to make myself fat and failing misserably.

Q45: What mailing service do you use?
British Mail, but I NEVER send regular letters.

Q46: What kind of computer do you use?
It's an off the shelf E-machines peice of crap with an incredibly inadequate Intel Celeron Processor.
Needs more RAM, needs a new processor (which would require a new motherboard), adn a new HDD would be nice too.

Q47: Would you like to be a professional artist?
That would be a dream come true, I love to draw, and if I was being paid, well let's just say I wouldn't suddenly hate it.

Q48: Any other jobs you're interested in, besides an illustrator?
Panty inspector

Q49: Any other hobbies besides drawing?

Q50: Do you like movies?
Sure, I haven't watched many recent ones though, infact I only saw Daredevil about a month ago.

Q51: What's your favorite movie?
I don't really have one, I like a lot of movies, I think I'd have to say The Rocky Horror Picture Show, I've been watching that since I was a baby, I actually used to sing the songs from it in my pushchair. (imagine a little boy signing "I'm a sweet transvestite" while his mum pushes him around)

Q52: What do you use to colour your pictures when it's on paper?
my imagination? I never colour on paper.

Q53: When did you start drawing seriously?
uh, a year or so ago, but I didn't know I was joking before.

Q54: Have you ever entered art contests?
Nah, I'm not the competitive type, unless I know I can win.

Q55: Anything that you often use as a reference when you draw?
I use my own body quite a lot, and a mirror, and of course if I'm gonna draw someone I know or one of their characters, I'll get as many good references as I can.

Q56: Do you have many online friends?
I think I have a good collection of friends, I don't become close friends with everyone I meet online though, infact half of my contacts on AIM or MSN I never talk to, I have a good half a dozen or so online friends who I'm really close to.

Q57: Do you have many online friends who like to draw?
A few, there's Xanos, also of course there's Zhandy (<3), and Cougo's got his own little style going too.

Q58: What time of the day are you usually online?
uh, from like 9:00/10:30 AM to around 11:30/12:40 PM, I try to be out of bed by at least 11 AM and I try to be in bed by at least 1:00 AM.

Q59: Do you go to chatrooms a lot?
Hardly ever, only if a friend invites me or I feel like pissing some people off.

Q60: Do you have your own computer?
technically I share it with my younger brother, but he's always on the family computer. (I say family, its only me and him who ever use it)

Q61: What would you say to the person you admire?
probably "hello, I admire you" or something.

Q62: At what kind of situations are you glad you are able to draw?
Well it's one of those talents that doesn't really come in handy much, like if I ever got into a knife fight, being able to draw isn't gonna stop them from stabbing me.
It's pretty nice to have people telling you they like your work, or even better is if someone says they wish they could draw like you, that always feels good.

Q63: Situations where you aren't glad that you like to draw?
When I'm away from the computer and I have an awesome idea for a picture pop into my head.

Q64: Do you have many offline friends who like to draw?
uh, my little brother likes to pretend he can draw, does that count?
And I'm meeting up with Zhandy in the summer, so then it'll be her.

Q65: Where do you like to hang out when you're with friends?
wherever, down the park, in the city, I like to go out and take pictures when people are around.

Q66: Do you have any artists that you don't like too much?
Psyguy, no question, he's got no talent and people keep licking his balls, he's never gonna get better if he already thinks he's a god.
Also when people say he can draw better then me it makes me want to introduce their genitals to a blender.
(NOTE: I am not sexist, I will happily put your tits into a blender if you are female)

Q67: Situations in which you really don't like being online?
Uh, if I didn't like being online, I would just turn off the computer.
But, I guess when I get lots of idiots hassling me, that bugs me, especially if I'm actually trying to do something.

Q68: Situations in which you like being online?
When I'm talking to people I like, when there's nobody around and when I wanna look at porn.

Q69: Something that makes you really glad that the internet exists?
It gives me a good creative outlet for me to share my work with people and get feed back.
I t also gives me a safe and controlled environment to release my insanity and overall fucked-up-ed-ness .

Q70: What about things that make you NOT glad that the internet exists?
The fact that I probably partially have the internet to blame for driving me to such extremes of mental disorder, sites like Rotten.com and Goregasm.com as well as vampire fetish sites and other fucked up things.
Also AOL

Q72: What's the first picture you've ever shown to the public online?
I think it was a crappy little picture of my really really old generic character design with a stupidly oversized cannon/gun/thingy, with flat colour done it MS Paint

Q72: Do you still have that picture?
Yeah, I still have everything I've drawn over the past few years somewhere.

Q73: Has your drawing style changed a lot?
Hmm, yeah, quite a bit, it tends to change every few months or so.

Q74: How does it usually change?
I'll do something slightly different to usual and prefer it for one reason or another.

Q75: Have you experienced artists block before?
I get it every few days or so.

Q76: How did you escape from it?
Did something else, or just forced myself to draw completely random and ultimately crap artwork untill I get back into the swing of things again.

Q77: What happens when you have artists block?
I get extremely pissed off at myself about it.

Q78: Any artists that have influenced you a lot?
Uhm, I don't know, I think Fox Lee got me interested in drawing properly, I liked her very simple line art, none of those tiny little details, looked very nice.
Then of course I took the advice of many artists I check out online, which basically went as "don't just draw fucking generic anime", which is why I TRY not to draw like every other anime artist ever, granted half of my stuff looks pretty generic, but that's just because I haven't gotten into drawing those stylised pictures I want to.

Q79: What made you like drawing?
To be honest, I don't know, I've always enjoyed doodling, I was never perticularly good at it, but I was always far more creative and talented then any of my peers.

Q80: What made you want to get a website?
Wow, this is going back a fair few years, I remember my brother showing me how to code HTML on my old 486, I must have been seven or eight, I also remember thinking the Marquee tag was incredible.
I made myself a little crappy offline website and improved my HTML knowledge, and I've been improving it ever since, I've always wanted a website of my own, unfortunately so do a lot of people, hence Geocities and Freewebs and such sites that I have grown to loathe for giving idiots a place to display their idiocy.

Q81: Why did you name your site what it's called?
My site is called DEAD SPIN because everything I do makes SOMEONE spin in their grave, and it's all in capitals just to piss people off

Q82: What do you think about net manners?
You mean "nettiquet"? Meh, it's ok, doesn't really bother me though.

Q83: Have you ever been spammed?
I use hotmail, does that answer your question?

Q84: Ever thought about quitting your webpage?
I've already quit half a dozen websites, but I have no plans to quit the non-sucky one.

Q85: If so, why?

Q86: About how much KB is each picture?
that varies incredibly, from around 50 to 250 KB

Q87: When creating your site, do you use a program or pure html?
pure HTML, I like my site to do exactly what I tell it to.

Q88: Do you have good eyesite?
Ironicly my eyes are pretty fucked, I've spent so much time in the dark that my eyes have adapted to it, bright lights practically blind me for a few seconds, but on the plus side I can see fantasically in the dark.
I am SO goth.

Q89: If you can get any person's autograph, who's would you get?
God, he's pretty famous right?

Q90: Have you ever been asked for your autograph?
Funnily enough, yes, there's this one strange girl who keeps begging me for an autograph.

Q91: Do you have any fans of yourself?
One or two I think, they shall remain nameless though.

Q92: Do you like to oekaki?(paint-bbs)
I probably would if I joined one.

Q93: Are you good at art (as in the school subject)?
I don't go to school, I was too big of a risk there.

Q94: Have you ever taken any art lessons, aside from school?
not a single one

Q95: Have you ever drawn comics/manga?
Yes, I have, and I have failed misserably every time.

Q96: Any quotes that you like?
"Hello sir's, no need for concern it's only me, the twisted psycho." - some guy in a movie

No wait, I should put something inspirational;
"Everybodies here with me, got no camera to see, don't think I'm all in this world, the camera won't let me go, your verdict doesn't love our soul, the digital won't let me go, yeah yeah yeah, I'll pay, when tomorrow, tomorrow comes today." - gorillaz (Tomorrow Comes Today)

Q97: Do you think your personality is different when you're online, from when you're offline?
Of course it is.

Q98: Your goal?
I don't really have a goal, I'm gonna end up wherever I end up, and do whatever I do, and whatever happens, happens.

Q99: A message to yourself.
You're leaving yourself a message you're never gonna read, seek help.

Q100: A message to the people who have read this.
I hope you have found reading this uplifting and inspiring, humourous and yet influential, and above all, I hope you realise how much time you've just wasted reading my ramblings.
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