Jun 29, 2006 01:18
Wendy was here this last weekend! I'm not going to go into everything we did this weekend at this moment, but good times were had by both. We hit the Atlanta Temple, World of Coke, Underground, the SunDial, and Stone Mountain. She and my family get along great, by the way. That's always a huge PLUS. I'm going to see her in another week and a half.
Today I found myself talking in a quaint, almost-southern accent on the phone with Wendy. I was feeling kind of lazy, yet I had drunk a good amount of caffeine, so I was talking more quickly. I don't know why. My accent drifts from very light southern (via my mom raised by Idahoan parents), almost New Englandish (dad born in Boston and raised everywhere, grandparents from New England), chicano if you can believe it, Southern Californian, and whatever is spoken around me. She lived in so many places that her accent is somewhere waaay out in left field. She spoke only Spanish until she was 5, at which point she stopped because of racial tension. No chicano rhythm or pronunciaton is noticed in her speech; her father, raised in the US by Mexican parents, has an odd mix of almost hickish twang but second generation Mexican intonation. She moved around all the time since her father used to be in the military. She actually has spent more time in Florida than anywhere else. Being around the New Yoricans and (especially) snowbirds gave her an ever so slight Yankee pronunciaton of some stuff (water, aunt, clerk, bird, et al). Also, her 1.5 years in Switzerland speaking with Brits, French, Egyptians, Chinese, Germans, and anything else you could imagine really wacked her speech out. She came back almost speaking in a British accent, as all those danged Europeans are basically taught Received Pronunciation when learning English.
At work, though I am a Spanish translator and interpreter, I do receive some English calls, and I've heard ones from all over the country. Finally I get to hear in real life what I read about all the time, that is, accents that aren't as widely discussed, like Baltimorese/mid-Atlantic both white and black, Philadephian (close to the aforementioned), Hoosier twang, eastern Washington state-ian, et al. My grandfather, the one who grew up in the Lithuanian barrio of Philly spoke with a marked Philadelphian accent, though I was too young to ever notice. My grandmother had a typical Bostonian Irish accent which fascinates the heck out of me. Watching home movies and listening to Bostonians over the phone has intrigued me greatly.
Of course, I have heard nearly EVERYTHING in way of Spanish accents...Argentines, Bolivians, Uruguayans, Chileans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, New Yoricans, Venezuelans, and so on.
I don't actually work until 12 tomorrow. I haven't gotten as much overtime this week :( . The most I've worked in one day this week is just 10.5 hours.
This weekend I'll be in Alabama visiting fambly. This may be the last chance I get for a long time.