Nov 15, 2005 12:21
FINALLY winter is here. I mean, I am in Utah, and all of the month of October and the first half of November there were just September temperatures. I like the cold. I missed it. My lack was fulfilled, though, for yesterday it just randomly got really cold. It was even snowing when I left my Arabic class! Of course, it was just flurries that lasted for a few hours and were hardly noticeable, and they didnt stick, but still, SNOW! Yay!
LAst night was another one of those go-to-bed-around-3-because-you-are-doing-homework-and-it-doesnt-matter-if-you-have-to-wake-up-early-and-do-physical-labor-outside nights. I think that every single night for the last week or so I have gone to bed between 230 an 3. Sometimes I find it hard to get to sleep then, even if I am completely exhausted. After Friday afternoon, things will be a lot least for a few days. Maybe I can get some sleep this weekend.
I woke up this morning and the temperature was 25 chilly degrees. I went to work in that temperature this morning, too. It was okay, though. Once we started really moving around and stuff, we warmed up. It wasnt as bad as I thought it would be.
Gotta clean the apartment >(