Feb 09, 2004 21:59
goodness. time from like 5:30-8:30 just floated by today. it was when i was babysitting.
my dad got home. he was being such a butthole. he had a stick up his booty. he was all like picking up all the trash in my room. he was all like....im gonna come home from work and friday and whatever is touching carpet in this room is going in the trash.
im like...w/e...fuck u.
didn't say that, obviously. what i said was....where do u want me to put the stuff in my butthole? i dont have any free drawers. oh well. im going to bed. good night livejournal. and to u....reading this...i see u!!! hahahaha good night! lol im such a fuckin weirdo. good night.
mwu haha. like how i stole ur idea brie? haha