
Dec 17, 2008 23:13

So last night I group of us went to one of the dining halls on campus for free study break food. The food was meh (the orange juice was frozen the pizza was the stale chopped up remains from that night's pizza that no one had bought, but the popcorn was good) We sat around and good times were had by all. Then Anna Lisa noticed that there was a snowflake competition so she brought over the paper and the scissors and we all made snowflakes. Some were monumentusly ba,d some were inventive, mine was Kickass if I do say so myself. When we were done we all entered our snowflakes as a joke. I almost didn't put mine in but I decided it didn't take any time to write my name and address on it. And low and be hold I won! I love making snowflakes it's one of my favorite winter things to do. My dad always made the coolest ones ever and I picked up the technique (and Oh My is there a technique) from him.That and practising at Quaker Square while bored apprently paid off.

random, school

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