Jun 14, 2007 13:21
So my hand is no longer swollen... still fucking hurts...
Ok... here it is...
So yesterday me and my family went to Disneyland... we started at tom sawyers island... were my family spred most of the ashes... (they tend not to sweep up there to much, inside joke...)... so i took the last hand full... before my brother threw the bag away... *cough*ass hole*cough* so i decided that i was going to full fill my promise to my mom, by caring her with me in my hand all day... starting at about 11am... and so i did... we went on all the rides, as a family... and i let my mom go a little across them all... I even put some in the Blue Bayou Restaurant (which is her favorite restaurant)... and my aunt Joane was entertained be watch me go all day one handed... Finally i sped her ashes don main street, as my mom loved to shop down main street... and i released he last little bit where the Christmas tree is put every year... as Christmas is my moms favorite time of year... at 8:30pm ish... also I released a little here and there in places my mom would appreciate...
So 12hrs almost continues on my feet... and 9hrs of having my fist clenched with my moms ashes in the palm of it... but i full filled my word to my mother in her final wishes... and that is all that matters... my mom knows i'm a person of my word, and that my words speak as loudly as my actions...
i do what say, and say what i do... how many people can really do that... not just say it... but do it...
Hope you all have a wonderful day...